Lawn Mower for Sale Featured Image
Lawn Care Tools

Top Recommended Lawn Mowers

These links are provided to you by Sod King® after a careful review of articles, user ratings, and comments made about the product listed.  We may earn a commission if you buy something through our links. Big yard or small you will need to mow it.  A quality mower is essential to proper lawn care.  As everyone’s needs are different, we have listed several types of mowers.  We have restricted our links to battery-powered, electrical, and hand-powered mowers to help

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Yard Care Tips 18

Sod Near Me – Sod Supplier in Utah

Are you in search of the best sod supplier in Utah to fulfill your lawn and grass requirements? Look no further than Sod King for all your sod needs. Finding great sod near me can be a challenging task, but with the right sod company, you can ensure a lush and green landscape for your property. Where to Find High-Quality Sod Near Me? Locating a Reliable Sod Supplier Locating a reliable sod supplier is essential to ensure you receive top-notch

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Yard Care Tips 19
Sod 2023

Sod in Utah for 2023

Sod is a popular option for those looking to quickly establish a lush, green lawn. Sod provides an instant lawn that is typically more drought-resistant than newly seeded lawns. Sod is available in a variety of grass types, including cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue. When installing sod, it’s important to properly prepare the soil to ensure optimal growing conditions. For the 2023 season, it’s important to consider the climate and growing conditions in Utah when choosing the

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Sprinkler Featured Image
Lawn Care Tools

Top Recommended Lawn Sprinklers

These links are provided to you by Sod King® after a careful review of articles, user ratings, and comments made about the product listed.  We may earn a commission if you buy something through our links. Lawn sprinklers have been a staple lawn care item for decades.  There is nothing more vital to a lawn than the ability to water it.  That is why we thought it imperative to talk about this most basic and essential tool in the homeowner’s

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Yard Care Tips 20
Fall Lawn and Sod Maintenance

Aeration for your lawn in the Fall and Spring

Aeration is a great way to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful. We recommend that aeration of your lawn in the fall and spring seasons. The benefits of aeration include loosing up the soil, removing or breaking up thatch, improve the ability for water, nutrients, and oxygen to get into the soil releases carbon and promotes great growth of your grassroots into. To aerate your sod we recommend contacting a local aeration service or rent a machine from a rental

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Yard Care Tips 21
Fall Lawn and Sod Maintenance

How to Take Care of New Sod in the Fall

We recommend applying a winterizing fertilizer or other slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to the sod in November. This will help keep the grass-fed during the winter and into the spring. This step should be followed as long as the sod has been in place for over six weeks. Laying sod in late summer or early fall if possible to avoid the summer heat and this will allow for plenty of time for your sod to become established before cooler weather sets

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Yard Care Tips 22
Sod Preperatation

Preparing your Yard for New Lawn and Sod in Utah

This guide is to help give some tips and suggestions regarding preparing for your new lawn / sod in Utah. Here is a couple of recommendations We recommend that you start with testing the soil. This is important because improving the soil before any planting takes is one of the best ways to give your lawn a perfect growing environment. You can contact your local extension office to obtain a soil test kit. You will want together soil samples from

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Yard Care Tips 23
Sod and Sod Installation Utah

Jacklin’s Scottish Sod Variety for Utah Lawns

Sod King and the sod farms we work with carrying many varieties of sod including our new product called Jacklin’s Scottish Links Mixture. This sod consists of low growing fine fescue that is well adapted to harsh conditions including golf course roughs, bunker faces and more. If this sod is not mown the formula provides maintenance savings, erosion control and adaption under varying soil conditions. This sod adapts to a wide range of regimes. This includes shady lawn areas, low

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Yard Care Tips 24
Sod Preperatation

New Lawn and Sod in Utah

If you are looking to install a new lawn or for putting sod in your yard in Utah here are a few helpful hints. We recommend that you level and even the ground and bring in  . This helps your lawn thrive and can help the roots grow strong and healthy. Having an even lawn is enjoyable and this step helps with the removal of rocks and other debris that can cause less enjoyment of the yard. When you are

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